Saturday, August 6, 2011

Where Have I Been You Ask?

I've been offline for awhile due to internet wireless issues but mostly because I was in hospital again: 11 days with the majority of them spent in the intensive care units of my hometown hospital and Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis.  I've been home about two weeks.  I went septic and had difficulty with high heart beat rate coupled with very low blood pressure due to fighting atleast two infections and maybe three.

I'm beginning to realize I almost died...It's been difficult to's been a frightening experience.  My family has been so supportive and I love them dearly.  I'm experiencing a great deal of fear...what's coming next...will I have the strength to fight it...?  I have the option of a new medicine but had I been on it this time I truly believe I'd be dead right now.  Instead I had decided to follow my gut and not take it and it seems to have been a wise choice.

My brother suggested I start using Caring Bridge but I think I'll keep using this blog for now.

So, happy belated birthday to all those I missed, prayers and good healing energy to those who need it/them, and many thumbs up to you all.