Friday, January 15, 2010

Gifts: A Cautionary Tale

I found something in our local thrift shop today that broke my heart: a gift I gave to someone I literally trust my life to. There it was hanging on the back wall, unmistakable: a once in a lifetime photograph that I entered into our County Fair and received a second place ribbon for. My PCA saw it first and gasped. She grabbed it down off the wall for me. I felt humiliated, shocked, stunned. I was so embarrassed at the check out I just handed them the sales sticker, not the piece itself, and brought it home. $6.00.

The betrayal and anger set in later, along with the tears and a deep sadness. Right now I feel numb - not sure what to do...if I write.

This person, the receiver of the gift, was the one who encouraged me to create it in the first place and to put it out into the public arena as a challenge to step out of my comfort zone. I gathered my courage and I did just that and obviously I was pleased with the outcome, who wouldn't be. I felt good and strengthened by the whole experience. Afterward I decided to give it to this encourager, this trusted person, as a gift of thanks. careful how you handle a gift: whether you like it or not; whether it would have been something you would have chosen or not; it doesn't matter. What does matter is that on some level it may have mattered, if even just a little bit, to the person who took the time and care to give it to you. Trust is a hard fought for, precious commodity that should never, ever, be taken for granted. Once it's lost it's hard to regain.

Love is in the details.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no Jeri!! So sorry to hear that. I am glad you have it however. Not in some strangers hands.
