Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Well, as far as I know I beat the UTI infection and now am suffering from an upper respiratory (sinus/ear) infection. Tried a new med for the arthritis in between and got sick from it so stopped taking it. Feelin' pretty lousy tonight.

It was a beautiful spring day today, breezy, but warm. There's a disc (Frisbee) golf course in the park behind our apartment building and it's been very busy now that the weather is warming up. There are golfers of all ages and it's fun to watch.

My friend Star got her new wheelchair today. Not all that she needed but hopefully she won't have as much pain when we cruise around town. She was hoping it would be faster than mine but we tried it tonight and it isn't! She's not happy! I told her there is a chance he (the wheelchair man) could calibrate it higher next time he came out so maybe there was still a chance she could kick my butt yet!!! Now if we could both just start feeling better so we could get out there and burn up the trails!!!!!

I started doing some writing for my brother's e-magazine and am enjoying it. I do love to write: some days are better than others, mind you, but love it I do.

I've been contemplating moving mom someplace where she can have more help because I don't think I can handle it much more. It's a tough thing to think about but if my health does not improve, something's going to have to change. Plus, she's facing having to quit smoking after 71 years because our building is going non-smoking the beginning of next Jan. She says she'd rather live on the streets than quit. I'm exhausted right now and the idea of facing any of it is overwhelming. I know that partly it's the infection talking, but......tough day at a time.

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