Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I have another infection and not exactly a little one either. So far I get to stay home but if the antibiotics don't kick in by Thursday, I'm back to the clinic and I suspect back in the hospital. Well, at least the weather is lousy so I'm not missing out on being outside!

I've been enjoying my time on facebook. It was very intimidating in the beginning but it's nice to be able to communicate with folks anytime of the day and to rediscover old friendships and reconnect with family again. It's kind of fun!

The sun is trying to come through the clouds and it looks so good. I do love being outside; it brings me a lot of peace and healing...and a great deal of fun and enjoyment as well. I love watching the changes along the river trail. The goose I see every spring down by the bass pond is there again only this year it looks like the muskrat didn't build its house as in years past. She was pretty low to the water level. She always puts her nest on top of the muskrat house. I wonder what fate befell her trusted muskrat? The cardinal that hangs around the end of the trail was singing again when I went by the other day. Glad that one's back. Haven't heard the red-winged black birds yet, that's always a sure sign it's spring. The Robins have been sassing a great deal though and that's music to any one's ears after a long and rather old fashioned winter!

My Yorkie is trying to tell me something and I'm just not understanding. It must be so frustrating for her! Usually I can figure it out but not right now. She's as restless to get back outside as I am. I think one of the first words she recognized was "outside."

Well, I better go rest and try to fight the mean little bugs that are in my body raising all kinds of havoc. I plan on winning again!

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