Saturday, March 28, 2009

Well, I slept most of the day again, although it seems to be getting better slowly each day. Spent some time with my mom, did a little quilting, and spent time on the computer, including face book which is relatively new to me. It's brought me into contact with family I otherwise don't hear from and that has meant the world to me. I wrote to some friends I haven't corresponded with for a while and organized my papers that need filing, mostly because I need a tax form that I now realize I never received; will be chasing that one down this week.

I love to write but don't quite know where to start when I get on here. I remember my first college class was Comp. 101 and the instructor always preached to write what you know about. I know about Rheumatoid Arthritis (I've had it for 27 years); I know about how the health care system around here works, or sometimes doesn't work; I know about alternative or holistic medicine and it's good and bad sides; I know about living with a 6 lb, almost 8 year old Yorkie; I know about caring for an 84 year old mother whose had two strokes, one heart attack (that she never went in for until after it was over), three bouts of pneumonia, moderate to high level of dementia as well as cataracts so thick the ophthalmologist can't see her retina, no teeth, hearing loss, and is in a three wheel scooter full time (although she can transfer), and smokes incessently. I call her my crusty marshmallow: crusty on the outside but all mush on the inside. It isn't easy but I love her dearly and will care for her as long as her or my body will allow us. I know about power wheelchair scootering on the river trails of my hometown and all the changes the river goes through. One of my favorite haunts is a place called Miller Woods which is an Oak Savannah Restoration Project. I have a lot of pictures from up there including what I call my Chipmunk series: they are little hams up there and will pose for me. I know I love my hometown and it's people. I know what it's like to live in a Senior Living Commmunity and the emotions and experiences all that brings. I know what it's like to watch a dear friend die slowly of congestive heart failure/renal failure and feel so incredibly helpless to do anything. I treasure every moment I have with her. Oh, and I know a little about quilting.

I guess I do know a lot and so have a lot to write about.

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